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What we’re about

What is non-duality?

Spiritual enlightenment is right here, right now. What you are looking for, is what you already are.

Non-duality is the experiential realisation that there is no fundamental separation between anything. It can not be taught or attained through intellectual understanding, only experienced.
Non-dual inquiry (eg. the question Who Am I?) is not a search for a possible enlightenment in the future, but an exploration of what is here and now. It is known as the Direct Path (as opposed to other ‘gradual’ spiritual paths) and it leads directly to waking up, resulting in inner freedom, abiding peace and a great love for humanity and beyond.

Some well known non-dual teachers are: Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Ramesh Balsekar, Atmananda Krishna Menon, Papaji, Jean Klein, Eckhart Tolle, Adyashanti, Gangaji, Mooji, Papaji, Francis Lucille, Rupert Spira, Greg Goode, Tony Parsons and Robert Adams.

What is this group about, and who can join it?

The purpose of this group is to CONNECT people of all ages who have:
1) fully awakened to the Truth of Self and Reality and are integrating this into daily life
2) partially awakened and still seeking support and inspiration
3) had mystical experiences and/or fleeting glimpses of non-dual reality
4) discovered non-dual teachings/teachers and resonated with them

PLEASE NOTE: To join this group you must have an ongoing engagement with, or investigation into, non-dual inquiry and the desire to share your experiences.

The group will provide a space to explore the possibility that our experience is already non-dual, right now. By challenging the assumptions of the common dualistic view, we can realise that separation is not supported by the facts of our experience, leaving us open to seeing what we truly are, and have always been.

So let’s question our thinking, share personal journeys and non-dual insights from our different teachers and our own experiences, and enjoy/explore the mundane and the sublime with others.

‘Be humble for you are made of earth. Be noble for you are made of stars.’
Serbian proverb

What we will do

This group is about sharing and enjoying the connection and support of others who are either on the path to awakening or who are no longer seeking (it was here all the time). Hopefully the meetings will create a little network of ‘non-dual’ friends in Adelaide.
We may:
• share a video or non-dual text or saying, and focus on the resonance that arises from it.
• chat about how non-duality is expressed in our inner world and embodied in our daily life.
• share experiences with fellow travellers and rest in the knowing that not only are we not alone, we are in fact ONE.
• do all or none of the above!

Let’s do this casually over coffees, lunches, dinners, bush walks, beach walks, hikes, and occasional special outings.

There is no teacher or guru in this group, only friends who want to share in the deepest Truth. I am happy to facilitate and am open to suggestions, trusting that it will evolve as it needs to…

Come and explore non-duality in community!