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Agile Sydney - Monthly Digest - June

From: Jeremie
Sent on: Thursday, 16 June 2016, 2:03 am

Agile in Sydney

June, 2016

Hi everyone,

We hope you are doing well.
June in Sydney is a period you could clearly sense along with EOFY, Winter is coming.
This means as well some the biggest event will be held like Agile Australia.

This year in Melbourne. If you are around, let us know so we can meet.

See you at the next meetup.
Sydney Agilist Crew
Upcoming Events:

Agile Australia share back

June 27th

Not everyone has the opportunity to get to Melbourne so the User Group get together to share back the conference experience. Agilist who made the trip are required for the evening to be great event.

Wallaby Room, Pitt Street Agile Sydney Meetup


Agile Australia Sydney workshops

June 23th - 1/2 day

Workshops are taking place in Melbourne and Sydney. Discount options available.

Learn by sharing in these hands-on, deep-dive Agile Australia workshops. Send your team for an enriching experience and the opportunity to discover new tools, approaches and training that they can apply the moment they get back to work!

UNSW, CBD Campus | SlatteryIT


Disruptive Innovation (free)

June 20th 6:30pm

In this meetup, we will explore the basic tenets of disruptive innovation. Then we will look at some of today's companies and their services and discuss if they are disruptive or not.

Lastly, we will look a bit deeper into the theory and see if what we have learned so far allows us to more accurately predict which businesses will grow.

ThoughtworksLimited WIP Society


Story Mapping (free)

June 16th 6:30pm

This workshop is an introduction to the practice of Story Mapping. We will do a quick overview then jump in to doing story maps in teams.

The facilitator this month is Mike Mallete is an Agile Coach for Elabor8. He has just moved to Sydney from the Phillipines so make him feel welcome!

News Corp Office | Agile BA and PO

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