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LAST Conference this year in Sydney as well

From: Jeremie
Sent on: Tuesday, 10 May 2016, 3:21 pm

Hello Sydney Agilists,

With Scrum Australia behind us, Agile Australia in Melbourne this year, we would like to share with you the good new that LAST Conference will be held in Sydney as well this year.

LAST (Lean, Agile & System thinking) Conference is a grassroots mini-conference for practitioners, by practitioners like Sydney Agile Tour.

The schedule encourages participation and interaction via talks, workshops and activities.

The emphasis is on gaining inspiration from fellow practitioners, sharing of practical skills and real experiences of lean and agile adoption.

This is the first year that LAST has come to Sydney.

It will be at UTS on July the 25th.

The organizers are currently seeking submissions from interested speakers.

You can find out more here.


Sydney Agile and Scrum User Group

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