What we’re about
The idea for this guitar group is to get together and play through some selected songs.
A group for guitar players of all abilities. Whether you can strum a few chords or are an accomplished soloist, we're Looking for interest from all ages and gender with varied skills and tastes in music.
A set of 10 songs will be selected to look at and practice between meets covering a wide range of styles and abilities...all you have to do is come along, play (and maybe sing) along to the songs you want to. No pressure, no lessons other than what we might learn from each other and just a good time.
Things you should know
- This group is for players of all levels, beginners are very welcome.
- You don't have to learn all of the songs to join in.
- You don't even have to learn all of any song, just join in where you can. If you only know the chorus that's great, just join in when we get there.
- You don't have to sing, but you can if you want.
- If you can't make it for the start, please come along when you can.
Time: Monday Evening, 7 pm - 9 pm - Once a month.
Cost: $6 per person, per meeting.
List of songs already played.
To help with song suggestions, I've put together a spreadsheet of all the songs we've played so far. You can sort them by song title, artist, and date played. I'll update this file each time we play new songs.
Download all previously played song sheets here
Really? Yes.
I had a shirt made when we started, and a couple of people asked how to get one. A local store was able to make them to order, but sadly, due to COVID, that store is no longer there. So I've gone ahead and set up an online store through RedBubble.
There are some different designs and a few other things available.
What about all the money you will make as this stuff is so good?
Funny you should ask that. I never set up DGPG to make money. I did it to have fun and make a difference in the community. So, the plan is to take store profits and donate them to a music-related charity in Melbourne.