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What we’re about

Are you looking to find close girlfriends to spend time with, share with, and just have some good laughs together?
We are about building lifetime girlfriends in North Dallas. We take time for ourselves to enjoy the simple things as women, which we feel passionate about.
Most of our events will take place in Collin County. This group is for mid-20's and older who loves life to the fullest!
Our events cater towards coffee, dining out, movie, wine nights, happy hours, girls night in, concerts, museums, shopping, holiday exchanges, brunch, bunco & game nights, outdoor trips, walks, fitness, crafts, painting, women expos, and so many other get-togethers.
Our purpose is to establish "Lifetime" Girlfriends who share the same passion for life.
What is your passion?
Note: In order to be accepted in our group, we need a picture of yourself in your profile picture. We have a Zero-Tolerance drama policy.