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What we’re about

Hello craftspeople!

It is our pleasure to welcome you to the Software Crafters Sydney group!

Who are we?

We are raising the bar of professional software development by practicing it and helping others learn the craft.

The Group

This group is a place to promote good software engineering skills and also get better at soft and hard skills.

Here are some of the activities we run:
Coding Dojos, with a heavy test-driven development focus, refactoring, design patterns, programming paradigms, pair-programming, mob-programming, you name it.

Open discussions in the format of panels or fishbowls, traditional presentations, lightning talks, pechakucha… to share and learn as much as we can in a not-so-boring way.

Last but not least

We'd appreciate if you could take the time to answer a few quick questions upon joining this group. This is only so we understand whether our initial goals line up with the community's and adjust accordingly.

Thank you very much for your interest and, once again, welcome!