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What we’re about

What is this Meetup's purpose? 

A space, place and Sydney events created to meetup, live, learn, grow, connect, play and meditate along the way. In this fast paced world we have lost the value of human connection and so our group is designed to give you a place where you can truly be yourself and shine and express from the most deepest part of your soul or just arrive, sit back and take some time out to destress from the world.

Who should join? 

Anyone inspired to enJOY the energy of a group meditation and willing to open their hearts and souls to others. Our group welcomes newbies, experienced meditators and teachers alike and will be offering opportunities to share you creative craft with others if you would like to facilitate one of the classes. 


Because my mission in life is to connect, contribute and create positive change in my own life and others and what better a way than meditating together and awakening the heart and soul of Sydney. We have a wonderful community of soulFULL teachers, healers and just epic humans throughout Sydney and feel its time to bring even more like minded souls to come join us an chill out, chill in, BE and PLAY.

Upcoming events (4+)

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