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Photo of Souzie Hart
Hosted By
Souzie H.


Struggling with words, syntax or grammar?
Looking for ANSWERS that MAKE SENSE, rather than jargon?
Fed-up with the fog surrounding the Language you Love, which keeps eluding you because you can't understand certain aspects of it?
You're in the right place. Paradoxically, yes, there are good reasons why this is happening, and no, it has nothing to do with you!
>> After more than 25y teaching French to English-and-German natives, Souzie reveals the KEYS she's crafted to help her adult students reach the Success they'd often given up on. Combining her knowledge and special knack for SIMPLE, you will find ANSWERS to your questions during this fortnightly Online Meeting, free to all.

WHY this event? Why is Souzie revealing + freely sharing her entire body of tested tips, which took her so long to acquire and build in the first place?
"I have been resisting sharing what I know because it simply took me sooo long to discover that stuff! My hard work and sweat are all in there! No-one would consciously decide to give their own hard-earnt gold for free. Yet there comes a point when it doesn't make sense to keep it all for oneself anymore. That would defeat the universal principle of human growth and sharing. Somehow, one day, one has to let go even of the gold.... because that way, the gold turns to joy, and joy MUST be shared."

Please let me know of your questions related to the French Language by filling in the form on this site, so I may craft my answers in time for the following online meeting. au revoir! Souzie

Photo of Allure Dog + Owners Meetup Group group
Allure Dog + Owners Meetup Group
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