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Re: [BFPG] Potential BFPG Topics: We need your help

From: Dave L.
Sent on: Wednesday, 26 June 2013, 8:48 am
Hi all,

I made mention of Brent Yorgey's lecture notes on starting out with Haskell last night - they're around the same level as Learn You A Haskell (and refer to LYAH regularly in the suggested reading sections), but they also have exercises.

For those that are starting out with Haskell and potentially interested in such a thing, the notes are here:

If you do give it a go - I'm more than happy to help if you have questions, get stuck on something, or want someone to check over any homework.  And the irc channels are likely to be helpful as well.



On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 10:47 PM, Ben Kolera <[address removed]> wrote:
Heya Everyone,

As discussed at the meetup tonight, there are a lot of new faces popping up at BFPG lately and I'm keen to have some very beginner level talks to help include you all and get you started in the wonderful FP world. Talks like Tony's last talk on folds that explain a common stumbling FP block in a succinct and non-brain-melting way. ;)

Thing is that it is very hard to exactly what topics are tripping people up and need explaining, so it is difficult for us as organisers to pick topics out and confidently know it'll make a difference to the group. There are a few things that we can take educated guesses on, but we'd prefer to tailor things to specific needs if we can.

So if you have any topics from books, doco or posts that you feel need a bit of extra explaining or common problems you keep hitting in FP that feel unsolvable or ugly then please send them my way. Don't be afraid of the issue being 'too trivial' to ask help for. If you're hitting it, then chances are very high that someone else of our 425 members is having the same issue.

If we start getting some common themes we'll start working on talks to help clear them up or at least post some Q&A to the mailing list if we can't get a whole talk out of a topic.

If you're completely new and don't even know where to start then there are two really good books on pure FP concepts:


If you dig into those you'll probably start having questions really quickly.

Also, keep in mind that this mailing list and{bfpg,haskell,scala} are there and completely available to ask questions to if you're stuck on anything. We're here to help and grow pure FP, so don't be afraid to say hello and ask for assistance. :)


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