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What we’re about

Casual Cryptocurrency is a community with the principle aim to further educate ourselves regarding Cryptocurrencies, Blockchain and Crypto assets such as NFTs. We welcome anyone with an open-mind and a desire to learn. We are NOT here to offer financial advice or boast to others about our holdings. The group aims to bring newbies and experienced hodlers together into a positive community based in London. In the spirit of decentralization I am looking for co-hosts and 'moderators' to help safeguard the ethos of the group. Please be hypervigilant in protecting yourselves against impersonators and scammers! Invest in cryptocurrency at your own risk and DO NOT invest more than you are willing to lose. We will primarily meet in parks, cafes and occasionally bars to discuss Cryptocurrency news and trends with a cappuccino and sometimes a pint!

Disclaimer: The information presented within this group is NOT financial advice. Invest at your own risk. Violate the rules and you will be banned.