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Drum Circle + Journey

Photo of Anita
Hosted By
Drum Circle + Journey


Creating a safe space to tune in, connecting to a place of deep relaxation, coming into balance with one-self.

Come raise your frequency + the collective consciousness!

Connect with like-minded people, belong + celebrate the connection + with a powerful approach to well-being,

Meditate + dance as we journey through the medicine of the shamanic drums.

Your body holds information of everything you have experienced + conscious + unconsciously + emotional experiences + memories are all stored as waves around the body.

The human body is an instrument that can self-tune. I Intuitively work with the vibrational patterns within the energetic field + working with the DNA tunes + songs.

We carry the music of our ancestors through the vibration of DNA + rewriting the music of our DNA through sound. Sound is electromagnetic + a continuum of light. Sound is electric + vital in our electromagnetic health.

Life is movement of waves, light, sound, music, electricity, all dancing around + within us. All we are doing is moving out what no longer serves.

Bring a drum if you have one or any other musical instrument you may have. Dress comfy + bring yoga mat + blankets + H2O. Allow up to two hours for the journey.

Investment: NIL/Free.

Please bring others who maybe interested.

šŸ“Meeting spot Kaneā€™s Bridge, Boathouse side at Studley Park.

Photo of Drum Circle Journey group
Drum Circle Journey
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Studley Park Boathouse
Nr Kane's Bridge, Yarra River Ā· Abbotsford