What we’re about
The Sorting It Out Jordan Peterson Enthusiasts Group is the place to connect with like-minded lobsters who are cleaning our rooms, integrating our shadows, and starting actual conversations after coming down from week-long lecture binges on YouTube.
In other words -- we're trying to keep one foot in Order while still dipping the other in Chaos.
Our party has been growing for some time, the original group (now The Disciplined Monsters) has hit the 300 mark, and so we decentralised somewhat...
We hold our "Informal Drinks" once a month, a social meetup where we natter about all things JP and a great deal more. 3-5pm (and later) at the lovely Mitre Tavern, 1st Sunday every month.
Stay tuned for the location of our next event- the formal half of our bi-monthly meetup, held on the 3rd Sunday of the month 3pm-5pm. This will include discussions on varied topics, from politics to religion to culture, as well as a book-club styled look at 12 Rules for Life.
Please contact Mark if you want to plan something yourself.
We have met the community guidelines as illustrated below:
This group will be Be Community Focused and will create opportunities for members to participate in the Meetup and connect with each other.
People will meet in real life and attend fan-base Meetups in the Melbourne locale.
This group is local to Melbourne.