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RE: [mel-raspi-hackers] Garage monitor and advice on soldering

From: Trevor W.
Sent on: Sunday, 12 February 2017, 11:14 am



Thanks for this. Much appreciated.





From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]]
Sent: Thursday, 9 February[masked]:52 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [mel-raspi-hackers] Garage monitor and advice on soldering



On 9/2/17 11:23, Trevor Warren wrote:


I will admit that my soldering skills suck big time and while i would love to sharpen those skills i haven't had much opportunity. Rather that ruining the board i thought i would bring it along and get someone to help me out with soldering of the contacts. Anyone keen to assist...:) ?


Secondly, i picked up one of the single (non-replaceable) tip soldering irons from Dicksmith years ago. It gets the job done but isn't good for soldering in tight spots. Thoughts on how i might approach this would be appreciated...:)



This is a good resource on learning to solder

Advice on good soldering kit can be had on the CCHS mailing list (there is already probably a tonne in the archive)


Alec Clews
Personal <[address removed]>             Melbourne, Australia.
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