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RE: [Perth-a11y] Perth accessibility camp date, major sponsor & keynote confirmed - Wed 8 Feb 2017

From: Stewart L.
Sent on: Thursday, 22 December 2016, 12:03 pm

Hey Scott, I got your book and started reading it yesterday. Very interesting so far…highly recommended folks if you don’t already have a copyJ


NOTE: I am not on commissionJ





Stewart Luxton


E: [address removed]


From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]]
Sent: Thursday, 22 December[masked]:57 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: RE: [Perth-a11y] Perth accessibility camp date, major sponsor & keynote confirmed - Wed 8 Feb 2017


To David


Absolutely, I’d already tentatively put you down for it.   More details coming soon!



Dr Scott Hollier

Digital Access Specialist

E-mail: [address removed] Mobile: +61 [masked]


Learn more about Scott through his recently published memoir:

Outrunning the Night: a life journey of disability, determination and joy.

Visit for more information and sample chapter.


From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]]
Sent: Thursday, 22 December[masked]:48 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: RE: [Perth-a11y] Perth accessibility camp date, major sponsor & keynote confirmed - Wed 8 Feb 2017


Hi Scott,


And a collective hurrah the camp is going ahead!  I see from the website a debate has already been suggested: may I put my hand up to chair aka manage the chaos that will ensue?




David Vosnacos | VisAbility

Access and Data Services Analyst | Accessible Information Services


PO Box 101, Victoria Park  WA 6979

61 Kitchener Ave, Victoria Park WA  6100

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From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]]
Sent: Wednesday, 21 December[masked]:42 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: [Perth-a11y] Perth accessibility camp date, major sponsor & keynote confirmed - Wed 8 Feb 2017



To the Perth accessibility meetup list


With just a few working days left before Australia closes down for a much needed Christmas and New Year break, I wanted to touch base about one last thing to ponder as you kick back over the festive season.



The WA accessibility camp has been confirmed for Wednesday 8 February.  Vivienne’s done a great job in locking down the sponsorship and Julie has put together an interim website in preparation for ramping things up as people return to work in the new year.


The sponsor will again be Bankwest who have committed to providing the venue, morning tea and a BBQ lunch which sounds fantastic.  We have also confirmed for the keynote Andrew Arch, one of the country’s foremost experts in digital access, from the Federal government’s Digital Transformation Agency (DTA). 


While its important not to dwell too much on work over the Christmas period, if you’re as excited about the camp as I am and are eager to think about its possibilities, perhaps you can occasionally chew on questions like ‘could I do a presentation for the camp?, ‘what kind of topics would I like to see talked about at the cam?’’ or perhaps even ‘who do I know that might like to come along?’  Vivienne, Julie and I will then be back in the new year to scoop up your thoughts and start to progress things.


Importantly though contemplation of the camp should in no way impact on your holidays!


If you’d like more details there’s an interim website at  and the primary contact e-mail address is [address removed] which Julie is monitoring should you want to e-mail a presentation pitch or a great idea so you can go back to relaxing.


Also now that the camp is confirmed in February, we’ll make this our first event for the year and  resume our breakfast meetups in March.  


Thanks everyone, have a great Christmas and I’ll be back in touch again in January.




Dr Scott Hollier

Digital Access Specialist

E-mail: [address removed] Mobile: +61 [masked]


Learn more about Scott through his recently published memoir:

Outrunning the Night: a life journey of disability, determination and joy.

Visit for more information and sample chapter.

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