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ServiceNow SNUG Meetups

ServiceNow SNUG Meetups

2 countries19 groups499 members

ServiceNow SNUG Meetups

ServiceNow Meetups provide SNUG members with the ability to meet with local ServiceNow customers to network, share best practices, and discuss specific relevant topics.

ServiceNow SNUG Meetups

ServiceNow SNUG Meetups


Who we are

The ServiceNow User Group (SNUG) program was developed for and with our customers to create an ecosystem where group members can gather both online and in person to share best practices, collaborate with other customers, and hear directly from ServiceNow experts about the newest product and solutions available. It’s our goal that all customers have the opportunity to participate in a network of vibrant, meaningful, and growing user group communities. SNUG Meetups are smaller, (customer) member-driven, local events primarily focused on specific discussion areas and subjects of interest.

Photo of Tracy O'brien
Tracy O'brien

ServiceNow SNUG Meetups Administrator

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