What we’re about
You can Download the latest versions of my Vegetarian Pamphlets from:
"The idea behind the group is to have regular meetings which will cover all aspects of the raw vegan lifestyle, both practical and philosophical.
It will include fun, practical raw vegan food tasting sessions and food preparation demonstrations, which will teach the best techniques for creating healthy, delicious raw dishes (the main emphasis for most of the dishes will be on simplicity and how one can easily incorporate them into daily routines). However, on occasion there will also be slightly more complex dishes.
There will also be discussion sessions about the raw vegan lifestyle; opportunities to talk about and learn more about the health benefits it offers, opportunities to share and discuss concerns/issues/experiences in a respectful, supportive and nurturing environment."
This group is one of the very few Vegan groups, that will tell you the truth about Vegan, and raw Vegan Diets.
Raw Vegan Diets can be very good detox diets for a few months to a few years.
But, Raw Vegan Diets are not healthy long-term diets for everyone.
Especially for babies.
***I Would Never Try To Raise A Baby Or Child As A Vegan***
Some Vegan babies have died.
Others, have been brain damaged.
Almost all adults, cannot maintain their bodies, on Vegan diets.
So, how can a baby or child, build one?
Ill-health, due to Vegan diets, is a major reason why almost all Vegans become Ex-Vegans; and, most current Vegans, cheat.
And, even if the victim-blaming, “you did not do it right”, Vegan Activists were right.
Which, they are not.
If most Vegans could not “do it right” for themselves.
How could most Vegans “do it right” for their growing babies?
If you are concerned about animals, and cannot be a healthy Vegan, then the next best diet is a milk-drinking Vegetarian diet.
It only takes one cow, one year in a dairy, to supply you with a life-time of milk.
To Download PDFs with more information please click on:
For more information on Producing Animal Products Humanely and Sustainably, please Download my PDF:
EASIER and SAVES TIME and MONEY – far less preparation before and far less cleaning and washing up afterwards.
And, far less equipment.
EQUIPMENT - many fruits, nuts and vegetables need no equipment.
Or, a bowl and a nut cracker.
WASHING DISHES – is a lot easier.
With no fat and grease to clean up.
Just wipe clean with a paper towel.
No soap is needed.
And, often no dishes are needed.
CONVENIENCE – for fast foods have raw fruit, vegetables and nuts.
Raw fruit, vegetables and nuts are also ideal foods when travelling, camping or picnicking.
Or, during very hot weather.
Or, when you are busy, tired or just do not feel like cooking.
STORING FOOD – I do not have a refrigerator.
I use air tight jars for tree nuts, peanuts and other seeds.
Fruit can be kept in fly, mouse and rat proof cupboards.
Or, on high shelves.
Root vegetables keep fresh, and alive, if replanted in your garden; or, in large garden plant pots.
THE ENVIRONMENT – far less fuel, packaging and garbage.
And, no need for a refrigerator.
LEFTOVERS – can be fed to birds, other animals or your plants.
Kitchens are safer without boiling water and hot oil.
Many children have been scalded in kitchens.
And, houses have burned down from fires that started in kitchens.
You do not have to pay rip-off prices, of $100s up to $2300 or more, to learn raw food preparation.
From truly top Vegan chefs.
There are excellent websites, with free raw food recipes, photos and videos, on how to prepare everything including raw food Vegan cakes, pastries, pies, ...
Raw Vegan ice-cream, ...
Chocolate, ...
Even raw food fries.
Free Raw Food Recipes
Free Healthy Vegetarian and Vegan Recipes and Videos is very good and free.
Please click on: [http://www.rawfoodrecipes.com](http://www.rawfoodrecipes.com/)
The, average Australian animal eater, eats more than 1000 animals in a lifetime.
Yet just 1 dairy cow, can produce enough milk for 5 people, for their 5 lifetimes.
So, if you like animals, and you cannot be a healthy Vegan, you could still become a healthy milk-drinking Vegetarian.
Or, a Lacto-Vegan.
For information and documentation on how to produce Cow’s milk, Sheep’s wool, and Hen’s eggs, humanely and sustainably, please download my PDF from:
Organic Food is fertilised with:
1: blood and bone from abattoirs;
2: chicken dung from factory farms;
3: cattle manure from feedlots;
4: dairy waste;
5: macerated, ground up alive, male chicks;
6: sprayed with fish emulsion.
By eating organic food, you abuse and exploit more animals, than if you ate beef, drank milk and ate eggs combined.
By buying organic food you finance every form of exploitation of animals in agriculture.
The farmers who came to Australia, and as any Greenie will tell you, trashed Australia's environment, were organic farmers.
Genuine Vegans, really do care about animals, and the environment, and so do not eat organic food.
I am doing this for free and not as a business.
Information, that I provide you with, is my personal opinion, based on my personal experience.
Which includes having been a Vegetarian for more than 50 years, including 18 years as a Vegan, and having managed my own health for more than 50 years.
And, is not to be taken as professional advice.
People seeking professional advice should do so from appropriately qualified professional people.
Upcoming events (3)
See all- Producing Healthy Animal-Products, such as Cow’s Milk, Humanely and Sustainably.Link visible for attendees
We can discuss this topic, in the Producing Healthy Animal-Products such as Cow’s Milk Humanely and Sustainably Discussion, since very few people RSVP for Events.
https://www.meetup.com/rawveganhealth/discussionsI have been a Vegetarian for 53 years.
I was a Vegan for 18 0f those years.You can Download my “The Vegetarian Information Center Pamphlets” PDF, which has a lot of information on Vegetarian, Vegan, and related matters, from:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ArcZXbFXOCMw4us6b_3ZoY7w3s0w5qQq/viewAnd, “How To Produce Healthy Cow’s Milk, Sheep’s Wool, Hen’s Eggs, Humanely And Sustainably”, from:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pQRjqK7Df5f9NGRQA81M_W5w_hQXJvDP/viewMost Vegans become ExVegans.
Most current Vegans, cheat.So, there is a need to produce animal-products, humanely and sustainably.
You can produce more food from the same land, with fewer inputs, by mixed animal-plant agriculture than by 100% plants.
For example, geese and sheep grazing in orchards, turn grass and weeds into eggs, wool, and fertiliser, while reducing the use of fossil fuel for mowing.
Naturally biodegradable wool, is far better for the environment, than synthetics which shed microfibers, which pollute the environment, while taking 100s of years to biodegrade.Water.
Water footprint for Cows milk, 1020, is about the same as for Orange juice, 1018.
Cow’s milk drinkers are not wasting trillions of litres of water.Green House Gases.
Cattle are not increasing Carbon in the atmosphere.
Carbon, that Cattle breathe and belch out into the atmosphere, comes from the food they eat.
As their food grows back, this carbon is then recycled, taken back out of the atmosphere by the growing plants.
Unlike burning Fossil-Fuels, coal, gas, oil, petrol, which takes carbon from under the ground and burns it into the atmosphere.
The carbon from Cattle is continuously recycled.Vegan Activists prove you can produce Animal Products humanely, by producing animal products, such as wool and eggs, at their charity Vegan Farm Animal Sanctuaries.
So, when will Vegan Activists start producing humane Animal Products commercially?
For further information and documentation on how to produce Cow’s milk, Sheep’s wool, and Hen’s eggs, humanely and sustainably, please download my PDF from:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pQRjqK7Df5f9NGRQA81M_W5w_hQXJvDP/viewKind regards.
Greg. - How To Be A Healthy Vegetarian By Someone Who Has Been Vegetarian For 53 YearsLink visible for attendees
We can discuss this topic, in the How To Be A Healthy Vegetarian By Someone Who Has Been Vegetarian For 53 Years And Was Vegan For 18 Years Discussion, since very few people RSVP for Events.
https://www.meetup.com/rawveganhealth/discussionsI have been a Vegetarian for 53 years.
I was a Vegan for 18 0f those years.You can Download my “The Vegetarian Information Center Pamphlets” PDF, which has a lot of information on Vegetarian, Vegan, and related matters, from:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ArcZXbFXOCMw4us6b_3ZoY7w3s0w5qQq/viewAnd, “How To Produce Healthy Cow’s Milk, Sheep’s Wool, Hen’s Eggs, Humanely And Sustainably”, from:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pQRjqK7Df5f9NGRQA81M_W5w_hQXJvDP/viewVegan babies have died because of deficiencies in Vegan diets.
Other Vegan babies have become brain-damaged.Sad, that trolls and Vegan activists, get my events deleted when I try to warn people of these known dangers.
Short-term, Vegan diets can be good Detox diets for adults.
But long-term, ill-health, is a major reason why almost all Vegans become ExVegans.
And, most current Vegans cheat.To keep myself healthy, I base my adult diet on raw fruit, vegetables, nuts, Cow’s milk, and seaweed.
For simplicity, we can discuss this topic in the comments section below.
In this discussion I can tell you what I have learned, good and bad, over my last 53 years as a Vegetarian, including my 18 consecutive years as a Vegan.
I became a Vegetarian, 53 years ago, because I like animals.
There was very little readily available information back then.And so it took me about 3 years to find the information and learn how to be a healthy Vegetarian.
A few years after I had learned how to be a healthy Vegetarian, I started having a monthly dinner at a Vegetarian Restaurant, giving talks, writing pamphlets, and calling myself The Vegetarian Information Center.
I became a Vegan in 1992.
But, returned to drinking Cow's milk in 2010 because of damage to my teeth.
Something that is very common on Vegan diets.HEALTHY
Ill-health, is a major reason why almost all Vegans become ExVegans.
Fortunately, most ExVegans recover their health, after adding animal products to their diets.
Sadly, most ExVegans go back to eating more than 1000 animals, instead of drinking milk, or eating yoghurt, from the equivalent of just 1 Cow.For My Own Healthy Adult Diet, I Include:
1: Fresh, raw fruit;
2: Fresh, raw or lightly cooked in water, vegetables; including, some raw green, leafy vegetables;
3: Concentrated foods like nuts, walnuts are 6% omega-3, rolled oats, potatoes, sweet potatoes;
4: Animal-products such as Cow's milk, cheese, yoghurt; genuinely free-range eggs; or, ocean-caught sustainable fish;
5: Some seaweed for trace elements.Vegetarians should consider using sublingual vitamin B12 tablets.
You let these tablets dissolve under your tongue, so that some of the Vitamin B12 is absorbed directly, into your bloodstream.Otherwise, unless you are Vegan, and so need further supplements, just eat real food, like everyone else has, since life began.
The average Australian Dairy Cow produces 5,500 litres of milk per year.
If you drank 4 litres of milk per week for 80 years, you would drink 16,640 litres of milk.
That is, you would effectively be keeping 1 Dairy-Cow, for 3 years.With hormonally-induced lactation, there is no need to get Cows pregnant, to produce milk.
And, how many animals are buried alive by ploughs, and slashed alive by harvesters, to grow crops?And, when Vegans cheat, they can kill and abuse more animals, in just one cheating meal, of a tin of Sardines, or a plate of cooked-alive Seafood, than an honest milk-drinking Vegetarian might in a lifetime.
The Water Footprint for milk, 1020, is the same as for orange juice, 1018.
The carbon Cows breathe out, and belch out, comes from the plants they eat.
These plants, then take this carbon back out of the air, as they grow back again.
In a continuous cycle with no net increase.DISCLAIMER and INDEMNITY
I am doing this for free and not as a business.
Information, that I provide you with, is my personal opinion, based on my personal experience.
Which includes my having been a Vegetarian for more than 50 years, including 18 consecutive years as a Vegan, and having managed my own health for more than 50 years.My opinions are not to be taken as professional advice.
Or, as a substitute for professional advice.
People seeking professional advice should do so from appropriately qualified professional people. - Vegan Diets are Unsuitable and Dangerous for BabiesLink visible for attendees
We can discuss this topic, in the Vegan Diets are Unsuitable and Dangerous for Babies Discussion, since very few people RSVP for Events.
https://www.meetup.com/rawveganhealth/discussionsI have been a Vegetarian for 53 years.
I was a Vegan for 18 0f those years.You can Download my “The Vegetarian Information Center Pamphlets” PDF, which has a lot of information on Vegetarian, Vegan, and related matters, from:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ArcZXbFXOCMw4us6b_3ZoY7w3s0w5qQq/viewAnd, “How To Produce Healthy Cow’s Milk, Sheep’s Wool, Hen’s Eggs, Humanely And Sustainably”, from:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pQRjqK7Df5f9NGRQA81M_W5w_hQXJvDP/viewBabies are natural Milk-Drinking Vegetarians.
I would never try to raise a baby or child as a Vegan.
Some Vegan babies have died.
Others, have been brain damaged.Almost all adults, cannot maintain their bodies, on Vegan diets.
So, how can a baby or child, build one?Ill-health, due to Vegan diets, is a major reason why almost all Vegans become Ex-Vegans; and, most current Vegans, cheat.
And, even if the victim-blaming, “you did not do it right”, Vegan Activists were right.
Which, they are not.If most Vegans could not “do it right” for themselves.
How could most Vegans “do it right” for their growing babies?THE ADA POSITION STATEMENT
Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2009;109: 1266-1282.No Evidence For Vegan Pregnancies And Babies.
Two people – a Vegan and a Seventh Day Adventist – who provided no evidence for Vegan diets for pregnancies and babies – wrote The ADA Position Statement 2009 –that Vegan Activists misuse to “prove” Vegan diets are healthy for all people, of all ages– including babies and pregnant women.
If you read page 1270, it says there is no evidence, for Vegan pregnancies, and birth outcomes:
“Four primary research studies were identified that examined maternal macro-nutrient intake during lacto-ovo-or lacto-vegetarian pregnancy (58-61). None focused on pregnant vegans.”
EAL Conclusion Statement:
“No research was identified that focused on macro-nutrient intakes among pregnant vegans.”
Grade V#Not Assignable.2: BIRTH OUTCOMES.
“Four cohort studies were identified that examined the relationship between maternal macronutrient intake during pregnancy and birth outcomes such as birth weight and length (59-62). None of the studies focused on pregnant vegans.”
EAL Conclusion Statement:
“No research was identified that focused on the birth outcomes of vegan vs omnivorous mothers.”
Grade V#Not Assignable.For My Own Healthy Adult Diet, I Include:
1: Fresh, raw fruit;
2: Fresh, raw or lightly cooked in water, vegetables; including, some raw green, leafy vegetables;
3: Concentrated foods like nuts, walnuts are 6% omega-3, rolled oats, potatoes, sweet potatoes;
4: Animal-products such as Cow's milk, cheese, yoghurt; genuinely free-range eggs; or, ocean-caught sustainable fish;
5: Some seaweed for trace elements.Vegetarians should consider using sublingual vitamin B12 tablets.
You let these tablets dissolve under your tongue, so that some of the Vitamin B12 is absorbed directly, into your bloodstream.Otherwise, unless you are Vegan, and so need further supplements, just eat real food, like everyone else has, since life began.
For simplicity, we can discuss this topic in the comments section below.
I am doing this for free and not as a business.
Information, that I provide you with, is my personal opinion, based on my personal experience.
Which includes my having been a Vegetarian for more than 50 years, including 18 years as a Vegan, and having managed my own health for more than 50 years.My opinions are not to be taken as professional advice.
Or, as a substitute for professional advice.
People seeking professional advice should do so from appropriately qualified professional people.