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Eradicate Reciprocal Dependencies to unleash agility - Denis Sunny (EU)

Photo of Christian Lush
Hosted By
Christian L. and 2 others
Eradicate Reciprocal Dependencies to unleash agility - Denis Sunny (EU)


We're delighted to have Denis Sunny joining us online from Europe to address one of the biggest sources of friction inhibiting our Agile adoption.

Eradicate Reciprocal Dependencies to unleash agility
If you are frustrated by seeing how agility is being impeded by neverending dependencies that hold your teams back from reaching it, then this session is for you.

Most organisations make the huge mistake of trying to adopt an Agile framework (Scrum, Kanban etc.) whilst leaving the powerful management systems in the surrounding organisation untouched. This results in ongoing conflict between what you are trying to achieve with the Agile adoption and surrounding powerful organisational factors driving in a different, or even opposite direction. This includes such elements as the structure of departments, teams, and roles with their authority and responsibilities, functions of line and product management, as well as numerous HR processes including incentives, performance evaluation and professional development. Ultimately, your progress towards agility is hindered or fully blocked by multiple organisational dysfunctions, one of the most common of which are dependencies.

Did you know that there are different types of dependencies with different degree of impact on agility? Let’s explore the most problematic one: so-called Reciprocal Dependencies and how they should be addressed in an Agile organisation. Considering the entire process of business value creation, most companies have such dependencies crossing the boundaries of teams, groups departments, or even companies.

This session we go well beyond just managing dependencies to redesigning your organisation to reduce and eliminate such painful dependencies. Apart from the increasing speed of value creation, you can expect an improved sense of ownership over outcomes instead of outputs, improved employee’s satisfaction, talent retention, and overall culture. Ultimately, it enables the unfolding of the true agility of your organisations

Questions that you will get answered during this session:

  • What are reciprocal dependencies and why are they so problematic for Agile adoptions?
  • How can you eliminate them?
  • What is the approach to redesigning your organisation to fit your context and achieve the organisational capability outcomes that your business actually needs.

The last of these involves a broader body of knowledge and ability that is encapsulated in the Designing Agile Organisations (DAO) training course to be taught by Denis in-person in Sydney in August. Find out more about this during the Meetup.

7:50pm (AEST) Join the call for informal networking
8:00pm Welcome and speaker introduction
8:05pm Talk
8:50pm Q&A
9:00pm Close

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A big thanks to Denis for making the time for us as he is based in Europe.

Thanks to Scrum Alliance for sponsoring. The Sydney Scrum User Group is an official Scrum Alliance Scrum User Group.

Thanks to our organising sponsor Scrum WithStyle for time invested in organising this event and covering the cost of the video conferencing and collaboration tools that this group uses. Scrum WithStyle offers Agile training and independent Agile consulting. See:

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Sydney Scrum User Group
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