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What we’re about


This meetup group/ club invites you all! The experts, the newbies and novices. Ones who know a lot about the world of finance, investments, investment opportunities etc. And for those who know nothing. The reason why.. because otherwise it can be boring and one sided, plain and simple. When accompanied with easygoingness, and friendly-ness it can change the dynamics for the better:)

I've attended a few finance related events and group gatherings, and discovered..

1. The people who knew little about the world of finance were shy and did not ask questions, despite a desire to 'want to know'.

2. The people who did know aspects about finance, were often know it alls, not open to discussion and exploration.

3. Finance gatherings were often boring or dry.

4. There was a lack of warmth and friendliness, something you might find at a coffee and cake get together with a friend. Who says finance and investments cant include sweetness! Finance related matters can be interesting:)

TOPICS INCLUDE: Investments, Investment ideas, gold, silver, asset classes, cryptocurrencies, property market, global economic impacts etc.

We are in a rapidly changing world now, since 2020 (pandemic) its harder to save, cost of living and services through the roof, money does not buy today what it used to a few years ago eg houses for sale

Keep your finger on the pulse!

note: testing the waters with this new group so meet ups/events might start monthly. Places to meet will be held in a nice environment, warm, probably indoors might include a nice cafe/bar-eatery, gallery etc. A time to grab yourself a coffee or tea, sit down and chat about your finance theme, no set rules