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Courageous Connections

Photo of steven archer
Hosted By
steven a.
Courageous Connections


This regular event is for people who would like, for whatever reason to improve their social skills, learn how to connect well with people, and deepen and nurture relationships in their lives.

Whatever your challenge is, there is always a way forward to create and enrich the relationships in your life.

My journey has been one of extreme social anxiety where I have little by little got out of my own way to create wonderful rich and deep friendships that I cherish dearly. I have Invested a great deal of time and energy researching and trying often by trial and error what works and what doesn't, and the general truth is that we are often in our own way in regards to finding the connections that we can want and often crave.

The intent of this event is to get together Saturday afternoon, discuss and help each other with their challenges, through the groups wisdom and then as people get more confident go out as a group into Saturday night.

Venue to to be confirmed, but will be close to city southside

Photo of Wellness Within group
Wellness Within
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Every 2 weeks on Saturday

Cooinda Neighbourhood Centre
245 Sturt Rd · Sturt, SA
Google map of the user's next upcoming event's location
10 spots left