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Zero Waste Volunteers Needed for Earth Fair

From: Laura
Sent on: Wednesday, April 16, 2014, 12:42 AM
This will be our sixth year for the San Diego Earth Fair to set a goal to become a Zero Waste Event. We would like you to be a part of it! Recycling has been available since the beginning of Earth Day and recently collection of organic materials for composting has been added. In the past, the organics bins were only placed in the food court area, but this year we will have the organics bins placed throughout the park. There remains some mixed material in the trash, comprised of both non-recyclable and recyclable materials, but most of this material could be recycled.

Our members and volunteers have a very important responsibility. To get to zero waste we need to make sure that the attendees use the appropriate bin. Our volunteers will be the guide. We will use this opportunity to teach attendees how zero waste can eliminate the need for landfills and concepts such as “waste,” educate attendees about the need for manufacturer redesign and responsibility, greenhouse gas emission reductions by recycling, and monetary value of resource management versus landfill reliance. We ask your assistance to make this worthy goal a reality this Earth Day.

When: Sunday, April 27th
Where: Balboa Park

Shifts: Varies 
           Shift 1: 10:00am to 2:00pm
           Shift 2: 2:00pm to 6:00pm
           Team Leader: 8:00am to 6:00pm (must be 18yrs+)

This is a perfect opportunity for high schools students that need community service hours to graduate.

Help us get to zero waste this Earth Day!!

Laura Anthony
Zero Waste San Diego

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Volunteers Needed to help in Zero Wasting Earth Fair at Balboa Park on Sunday, April 27th. Click here for more information

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