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De qué se trata

Hello! Are you a movie lover? Would you like to watch movies with us? <br>This small group is for the people who love movies, want to enjoy a movie with other cinéphile friends at the cinema, perhaps talking about it over coffee before and after screening over drinks & bites.<br> <br>Let’s get together and have a fun time!

Working professionals, over 30s, 40s and more plus are welcome. (Over 30s, full-time working people with mature, decent, having responsibilities, not students. ). <br>

For joining this group, these are basic regulations as follows:<br>

-Please use a photo of yourself (that needs to be recognized as you when we meet).<br>

-Please use your first name on your profile.<br>

-Please answer question 5 when you join this group. <br> This group for working professionals, full-time workers, not for freshmen nor students.<br>

映画がとっても好きですか? 一緒に観にいきませんか? <br>他のシネフィル=映画ファンのお友達と一緒にカフェでチャットタイムや映画を観て、その後軽く飲んでお喋りしたい…そんな映画が大好きな方のための小さなグループです。 <br>一緒に集まって、楽しくすごしましょう!

お仕事されている大人の方、Over 30s、40s、もしくはそれ以上の方でも是非!(自立してフルタイムでお仕事されていて且つ責任感ある大人の方。学生さんや学生上がりの方向きのグループではないので、ご容赦下さい。)



Note: <br>Please accept these as follows. <br>There are possibilities that every member may be removed from this group by the organizer for any reasons such as if you did No-Show one time or if there's a request and/or complained from other members, or any other reasons. The organizer can remove such a member anytime from this group without any explanations. If you accept these, please apply to join.