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De qué se trata

This is a group for anyone who is ...
... a long-distance or long-time traveller (for exchange, connecting and finding like-minded people).
... planning or wanting to do a great journey (for informing, organising, financing).
... dreaming about a great journey or another life but do not have the guts (YET) (for finding inspiration, motivation and getting rid of fears).
... eager to know him/herself better (for self-awareness, self-discovery and getting self-confident).
... working with people or organisations in transformation (for providing examples, experiences and courage to do or let go).
... interested in other cultures & countries, life hacks & landscapes (for better understanding and sensing other cultures, worlds and oneself).
... just having fun and enjoying beautiful pictures and exciting stories (for enjoyment, relaxation and inspiration). Travelling can not only be fun, relaxing & educative, it can also be highly transformative. This Meetup group will focus on creating spaces and magic moments where the transformative power of travelling and the immersion in nature, adventure, other cultures and living environments can be seen, heard, felt and sensed. To do so we will start with an event series called: Travel Talk & Transformation where seasoned travellers or experts and enthusiats in related fields will share their experiences, knowledge, wisdom, tricks and techniques, pictures and stories. We will start with Travel Talk & Transformation events in Berlin, but that can also spread to other cities and topics. You are welcomed to join this group and invite friends. And if you have ideas, questions or suggestions, please contact me. Let's plunge in!