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Through The Writing Glass

Through The Writing Glass

3 países3 grupos110 miembros

Through The Writing Glass

Through The Writing Glass


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Step through the writing glass 🍸, a portal where flow happens as easily as a drink being poured into a glass…

Hi! And welcome to Through The Writing Glass. We are a secret community of drinkers and ink-tinkerers that meet around the globe for one purpose: to write and make friends accompanied by the clink of drinks! Join our group and find out when we next meet in a city near you.

The MARCH - APRIL 2024 Through The Writing Glass pop-up series takes place in Cape Town, South Africa. Please join our Through The Writing Glass Cape Town group and RSVP on our events page where you’ll be given details of the date, location and time and the secret password that will allow you to pass through the writing glass and enter our events!

Through The Writing Glass

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