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Journaling Class & Vermuteo🫒📔🍸

Foto de Thais Guzman
Hosted By
Thais G.
Journaling Class & Vermuteo🫒📔🍸


Are you ready to write your story? 💜

Engaging in deep conversations with your closest companion can feel like therapy. But sometimes, solitude calls and the chaos of your thoughts can add to confusion and frustration.

That's where writing comes in. It's a simple yet powerful way to connect with yourself and let go of burdens. Give yourself the freedom to express every thought and emotion without holding back. This act not only cultivates positivity but also leads to profound self-reflection.✨✨✨

Join me on a journey into the world of journaling. I have been doing journals for twenty years, and I believe in the transformative power of writing. If you've been wanting to start but don't know how, fear not. Together, we'll explore the benefits of journaling and find insights to kickstart your literary journey. 🌸 💜

Only 10 spots are available - to make it cosy and cute 👯‍♀️

Somorrostro Beach - Right next to the lifeguard station

What to bring?
A tower to sit, water, your loyal partner (your journal) or just pages, a pen and your amazing energy ✨

€7,00 per person, you can pay by cash or bizum.

PAYMENT IS needed BEFORE the event.
If your confirmation is not done you’ll be removed from the list the day before the event.

Events are normally free but in this case, I will bring the vermouth, olives, and chips to have a proper Vermuteo together 🌻 (non-alcoholic drink also available)

Cannot find us?
I will open an Instagram group as soon as you join and we will be able to communicate over there🌸 in this way if you make any new friends you can also connect over there

Can't wait to see you all! 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜

Medidas de seguridad de la COVID-19

El evento se celebrará al aire libre
El anfitrión del evento establece las anteriores medidas de seguridad para este evento. Meetup no es responsable de garantizar, ni de verificar de forma independiente, que se sigan estas precauciones.
Photo of Purple Heart Barcelona group
Purple Heart Barcelona
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Somorrostro beach
· Barcelona, CT