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Limitless Masterclass: Integrate Your Shadow and End Self Sabotage

Foto de Kendal Beatty
Hosted By
Kendal B.
Limitless Masterclass: Integrate Your Shadow and End Self Sabotage


**online event

The ‘Shadow’ is the side of your personality that contains all the parts of yourself that you don’t want to admit to having. It is at first an unconscious side. It is only through effort to become self-aware that we recognize our Shadow.

Although many infer the Shadow is ‘negative’, this is not really true. The Shadow is rather what you yourself perceive as dark and weak about yourself, and therefore needing to be hidden and denied. But this depends on your own perspective on life, and your levels of self-esteem.

While one persons’ Shadow might just contain classic elements such as sadness, rage, laziness, and cruelty; someone else might hide their personal power, independence, or emotional sensitivity.

When we recognize and face our Shadow, we can become more whole and balanced.

Shadow work at its core is owning your Shadow, accepting that you possess these traits, and integrating them into your life. To integrate an inner quality is to take ownership and responsibility for it, rather than rejecting or denying it.

When we repress and deny things about ourselves, they do not disappear. They instead can grow in power and cause us more and more difficulties. We often project our Shadow onto those around us.

By cultivating deeper states of awareness, understanding, and compassion you will be able to move to a place of empowerment and co-creation.

This is for you if...

  • You want to eliminate self-sabotaging behaviors
  • You're ready to feel more whole and complete
  • You're curious about shadow work and want to learn more
  • You want to cultivate more self-understanding and compassion
  • You're curious to learn more about the subconscious mind and the programs that currently create your reality
  • You're ready to release your limiting beliefs and shift your mindset to one of purpose and abundance
  • You’re ready to step into your power and live as your highest self

What to expect:

  • Interactive workshop learning about the subconscious mind
  • Shadow work + mindset transformation practice
  • Guided hypno meditation to integrate a shadow part
  • Group coaching session with sharing + connection

What to bring:

  • An open heart and an open mind
  • A journal and pen

**To reserve your place, please send payment prior to the event via PayPal(@kendybe), Revolut(+34657422666), Bizum(+34657422666), or Venmo (@kbeatt). Without reserving/confirming your space, it may be given to someone else.

Prepare to access deeper states of consciousness, inner peace, alignment, freedom and confidence.

Questions? Shoot me a DM on MeetUp or via WhatsApp

Namaste xxx

Photo of Sunshine Activation / Activación del Sol group
Sunshine Activation / Activación del Sol
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