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De qué se trata

*Business Networking

Allen McKinney was modeled after other successful Netweaver groups in the DFW area. The approach is very unique in that this is not a for-profit organization putting these together, but simply professionals who wish to truly network their businesses and contacts together to benefit others.

When you walk in the door, you are not "pressured" to bring leads with you. We believe that as you get to know others in the group, referrals and business will happen organically. The real strength of the group is in the 1-1 meetings we encourage between members/guests. We really emphasize getting to know each other's businesses and after-hours interests and needs. This way if someone needs a chiropractor, personal trainer, golf instructor, yoga instructor, carpet cleaner, moving company, etc those needs will be met just as readily as if they need a printer, CPA, attorney, merchant account provider, security system or marketing consultant for their business needs.

If this all sounds "too good to be true," it is...but it also works! We didn't re-invent the wheel, we just turned it into a "Wagon Wheel" at Texas Land & Cattle in Uptown by modeling what was being done in Grapevine/Southlake and Lewisville
Imagine instead of making 30 sales in the room (from the attendees) having in essence 30 new sales people who know you and LIKE YOU going out to talk about your business to their co-workers, friends, family, neighbors, etc. THAT is the power of netWEAVING vs. simply networking.

Space is limited to 40 attendees each week (room capacity), so RSVP's are VERY important. Also important is "consistency" in attendance. We need to see you to get to know you. Also, as people qualify for membership, their professional position becomes "exclusive" in the group. So once "a" dentist has qualified and been voted in, they become the "only" dentist in the room, for example. Point being for those in competitive industries, better to get involved earlier-on than later-on.

Current "Exclusive" professions now include the following:
*Residential/Commercial Energy Savings \

*Certified Financial Planner
*Broker/Realtor and Property Management
*High End Luxury Homes
*Mortgage Broker
*Certified Public Accountant/Forensic Accountant
*Piano and Voice Instruction - College Paid for by music program \

*Pixingo - Customer Retention Specialist \

*Jewelry by Sara Blaine Consultant
*Licensed Massage Therapist \

*Veterans Center of North Texas 501(c)3
*Life & Marriage Coach \

*Success Coach
*National Award Winning Voice over Specialist
*Family Law Attorney with Specialization in Juvenile Law
*Earth Inspired Crafts and Education \

*Roofing & Construction \

*Special Education Advocate \

*Networking, Sales & Marketing Specialist \

*Property & Casualty Insurance Independent Broker \

*Life & Health Insurance Independent Broker \

*Long term Care Consultant  
*CBD, CBG, Hemp Specialist
*Anti-Aging Skincare Consultant\


*(Please contact the members of these categories if you would \

like to bring a guest within their category. The member that currently holds that position has the ability to decide if another attendee can visit the group)
And if you happen to be in one of those professions or businesses that are so unique "no one else" does what you do (or at least in this geographical area), then GREAT! Just pop in and make yourself and your business known when your schedule allows.
Any other questions, just contact one of the organizers of the group.