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De qué se trata

This group is all about providing a healthy variety of indoor and outdoor pursuits, forging new friendships and simply enjoying nature! Everyone is welcome regardless of their level of fitness.

What's on offer? Cycling tours, Hiking tours, Fell Walking tours, Climbing Events. There will also be Special Events such as Vertical Climbing Challenge, Zip Lining, Sailing/Boating Outings, White Water Challenge Kayaking events, Water Skiing events, Winter Skiing Events, and Summer Rodelbahn Events.

These events will take place inside and outside of Austria using either the Klima Ticket or the Einfach Raus Tickets for up to 5 people.

Membership is currently free and can be obtained by simply registering for an event or entering into a voluntary annual subscription for only €12 per year. This is to cover our organizational fees charged by Meetup international, cover operational expenses and reduce the cost of more expensive events.

The subscription fee and special events fees can be paid via paypal to at any time throughout the year. Annual membership is valid for exactly 12 months from the date of initial subscription.

So if you would like to join us please supply an accurate and up to date ID photo with your full name for clear identification.\

We currently have over 800 members, an organizer, co-organizer, and four event organizers for special events.

As the year progresses we will be offering extended trips to neighbouring countries such as Czechia, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Slovakia, Slovenia and Switzerland.\