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We’re skipping January’s Santa Monica Ethics Meetup; see you in February!

From: Brian
Sent on: Friday, January 6, 2012, 5:06 AM

Hi philosophy fans!


We occasionally deviate from our monthly gatherings and, due to minor illness, vacations and travel planning this month, the Santa Monica Ethics Meetup ( and is skipping the January 2012 gathering.  We'll be back to our usual schedule next month; our February Meetup is Sunday, 2/12/12 at 5 pm. 


Here are the dates of our next three Meetups:  February 12 (the 2nd Sunday, 5 pm), March 13 (the 2nd Sunday, 5 pm) and, tentatively, April 8 (the 2nd Sunday, 5 pm). 


Remember, if you have a philosophical question or topic you'd like to talk about at an upcoming gathering, email it to me!


See you next month,




Ps.  If anyone lost a scarf outside of the meeting last month, one was found, so email me.