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[Fwd: Re: ABC World News Tonight]

From: Jim M.
Sent on: Monday, July 19, 2010, 3:58 PM
You did a great job Randy. 
FYI: The expected ABC World News Tonight segment will be this evening.  I hope they use so much of Jennifer's interview that they don't have space for mine.  I'm concerned that I was wearing too many hats during my interview and that now it has been sent to different producers to be repurposed.  In other words, sometimes I was speaking for myself (and why I was an atheist activist in general) instead of as a spokesperson for the group when responding to some of the questions.  I'm not sure how clear that will be if they use any of it for this. 

Sent: Monday, July 19,[masked]:50 PM
Subject: Durham News Section of N&O Letter

Joseph et al -
The N&O printed my letter in response to the Op Ed piece that ran a week ago.
Here is the link:
  Randall S. Best
  [address removed]

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