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[Fwd: Media training seminar description]

From: Jim M.
Sent on: Monday, August 23, 2010, 12:30 AM

Below is the description of my seminar that you can circulate.

-- Fred
Fred Edwords
National Director
United Coalition of Reason

Fred Edwords, national director of the United Coalition of Reason, has over 30 years experience in freethought leadership. His PR and media training seminar, ��How to Get Media Attention and Promote Your Group,�� is offered free all around the country for freethinkers of all types. Attendees learn the ins and outs of getting letters to the editor published, writing effective press releases, holding press conferences, and putting on publicity stunts. Also taught: preparing talking points for media appearances; handling yourself on radio, TV, and with print reporters; and using online social media. These skills are of value to group leaders and interested members.

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