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Christmas meetup - pie and hobbit on 15th

From: Oli S.
Sent on: Thursday, November 29, 2012, 1:38 PM

Hi all, lets go have a pie at Sweeny and Todds then go see The Hobbit on Saturday 15th December.

Please RSVP EARLY if you want to come to this - I expect the restaurant will book up quickly (might be full already) so I'll be soon booking a table based on however many people have RSVPd at the time. If you're not sure you can make the day, better to say 'yes' now and change it later (easier to remove seats from a table than add them).

And you can pay me now for the Hobbit ticket if you like (you can RSVP without paying yet if you prefer). I'm planning to buy tickets for the 2D showing if there is one (currently they're only advertising 3D showings) so you'll need to pay by Tuesday 11th if you want me to get you a ticket - preferably sooner rather than later. If the Vue isn't showing it in 2D then we'll watch it in 3D (will be an increase in ticket price) but let me know if you don't want to see it in 3D.


If you're coming to the film and want me to get a ticket for you so we're all sitting together, could you either bank transfer £8.50 to me before the end of Friday (ask if you don’t have my account details) or click the payment button above to pay £9 to me by PayPal (includes 50p PayPal charge).

This is the special Film Fans ticket rate – the ticket will cost you £9 at the box office (but speak to me if you want to buy your own ticket before the film at the Film Fans rate).

If you're coming to both the meal and the film, please RSVP for both. See other meetups for meal details. If you're not coming to the meal, let me know so we can co-ordinate meeting up.


And there will be a meetup on Saturday 29th December for meal and film - this will possibly be Live of Pi (which looks great) but if there's strong competition I'll put it to vote.



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