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You missed the webinar, Don’t miss the live eve nt!

Sent on: Tuesday, February 5, 2013, 7:01 AM
We had received some great feedback regarding the multifamily webinar that Chris Urso of National REIS hosted for our group.
With such a positive response we wanted to make sure that you had an opportunity to register for their upcoming event on February 8-10 right here at the Radisson New Rochelle in Westchester.
Some of you might have attended their last live training event, which was a packed house! Click here to learn more!
When you attend you'll discover exactly how to: 
  • Create massive wealth NO MATTER WHAT your current financial situation
  • Learn how to find the best investment properties…anywhere in the country
  • Buy properties with little or no money out of your pocket
  • Attract a flood of investors begging to invest with you
  • Educate you on how to quickly know a 'great' deal from a 'dog'
  • Effortlessly crunch the numbers so you know exactly what your profits are
  • Easily build a loyal team of property managers, contractors, & professionals
He will teach you how to avoid the pitfalls and mistakes most other investors make!
  • Use your IRA to invest for massive returns on your money
  • Create brilliant systems so your business runs like a well oiled machine
  • Build a network of like-minded multifamily investors so you never feel like you're alone
  • Completely minimize your risk when buying your property
  • Step out of your comfort zone with courage, confidence, and ease
Chris runs a highly successful real estate investment company and has raised over $5,000,000 in the last 2.5 years to acquire Multifamily Apartment Buildings from 23 Units to over 100 Units. He is going to share exactly how to raise the private money, find the deals (anywhere in the country) and enroll a team of property managers to run your operation.
By registering today you will also receive several amazing bonus items.

Happy Investing,

REIA NYC (a National REIA Chapter)
(646)[masked] Office

Office Hours: Tuesday-Thursday, 11:00am to 5:00pm

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