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Early Bird Discount Ends on Saturday - Special Guest Speaker Announcement!

Sent on: Wednesday, February 6, 2013, 4:00 PM
We are pleased to announce that LifeLock has agreed to be our guest speaker this coming March 9, 2013.
LifeLock believes that a three-level approach to combat identity theft includes educating consumers, working with law enforcement and elected officials, and aligning strong community support. As a result, in partnership with REIA NYC and Generational Wealth Zone, LifeLock will present at the March 9th March2Freedom Wealth & Empowerment Conference.
New Yorker Hotel
481 8th Avenue (@ 34th Street), New York, NY 10001
March 9, 2013
10:00AM – 5:00PM
$15.00 (Before February 9, 2013) / $25.00 Admission
Register Today:
Did you know...
Identity fraud cost Americans $18 billion in 2011. (Federal Trade Commission. “Consumer Sentinel Network Data Book For January – December 2011.” February 2012.)
LifeLock is the industry leader.  Backed by some of the most influential and well-respected names in finance. LifeLock is the recognized leader in identity theft protection. Our team of experts includes "The World's Most Famous (Former) Hacker" and experts from top-level U.S. government agencies
LifeLock expert speaker will present a 60-minute program about identity theft, how consumers are victimized, and how they can help protect themselves.
Effects of Identity Theft
What happens when your identity is stolen? How bad can it really get?
Having your identity stolen isn’t just costly in time and money, it can also lead to false imprisonment, life-threatening false medical records, and much more. In the hands of a thief, just your name, address, Social Security number and date of birth, can be used over and over to:
  • Open new lines of credit
  • Seek medical attention
  • Drain savings and retirement accounts
  • Provide an alias when arrested
  • Get a job and file false tax returns
Education is strength—so take some time and attend our March2Freedom Wealth & Empowerment Conference on March 9th. Your identity deserves it.
Register Today:

Happy Investing,

REIA NYC (a National REIA Chapter)
(646)[masked] Office

Office Hours: Tuesday-Thursday, 11:00am to 5:00pm

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