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Last chance to register!

Sent on: Thursday, February 7, 2013, 7:01 AM
We just wanted to offer you one last chance to register for the live multifamily training event that our friends at National REIS will be having at the Radisson New Rochelle in Westchester.
Chris Urso of National REIS will be bringing in key members of his team to share their expertise with you, this is NOT A SELLATHON. This is a training event.
If you’ve been looking for a way to get involved in multifamily investing but you’re just not sure where to begin then you NEED to be at this event.
And for those that register there will be some amazing bonus items!
-The $500,000 Private Capital Webinar
Want to see how Private Money is raised?  Model your pitch after this one which raised over half a million dollars in 30 days..
-The Private Capital Exec Summary Document
The key to attracting Private Capital is marketing with a well put together summary.  They actually give you one of theirs!
-Creating Your Own Executive Summary Document
A valuable guide to the key points to remember each time you put together your deal summaries...
And finally, you will receive a FREE copy of their Multifamily Investing Playbook! This is a brand new guide to jumpstart your investing in multifamily.
  • Learn from the industry's leading movers & shakers
  • Get all the tools you need to jumpstart your business
  • Discover 'insider secrets' that land the deal
  • Get tons of strategies for finding great properties
  • Network with the Best
    You don't want to miss this event!
    Trust me you will be shocked at what he is asking you to pay to join him and his team of experts for
    (not selling…just training)

Happy Investing,

REIA NYC (a National REIA Chapter)
(646)[masked] Office

Office Hours: Tuesday-Thursday, 11:00am to 5:00pm

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