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New Meetup: October Gathering & Pot Luck

From: Whitney
Sent on: Wednesday, September 29, 2010, 11:11 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Fellowship of Freethought Dallas!

What: October Gathering & Pot Luck

When: Sunday, October 17,[masked]:30 AM

Where: Churchill Recreation Center
6906 Churchill Way
Dallas, TX 75230

::We have a lot of need to read announcements this month, please see below below::

The Fellowship of Freethought, as part of its mission to promote a family-friendly organization that emphasizes education, socialization, and charity, will be encouraging its members to gather together once a month to learn from each other, share in each others' lives, and coordinate outreach to the community. These "Gatherings" will combine music, short presentations, and special announcements all running alongside a fun yet educational youth program. Following presentations and youth activities is a potluck meal to encourage close fellowship among all members.

Monthly Theme: Fear

IMPORTANT: We are having a problem where some families are bringing food yet feeling they can't eat because there just isn't enough real food to go around. Let's make this potluck great for everyone by following some time?tested tips:
Potluck Etiquette

  • Bring a main dish, or hearty side. FoFDallas will supply the desserts, drinks, ice, napkins, plates, cups, and eating utensils. Tip: home?cooked is better and cheaper than pre?made foods at the store, but those are an alternative if you are in a rush.
  • Bring a sufficient amount. A good rule of thumb is to bring enough to feed yourself, your family, and your guests ? as if that were all you had to eat ? preferably with some left over.
  • Food should be "ready to serve". It should be cooked, cut, and ready for someone to quickly put it on their plate as they walk through the line. Please bring your own serving utensils.
  • Label your item. Use a notecard to indicate what the item is, and perhaps what is in it (if it's not obvious). If it's vegetarian and/or vegan?friendly, you can note that as well.

If you are able to plan your pot luck dish in advance, or at least know the type of dish you can commit to brining, please indicate main, side, vegetarian, diabetic etc in your rsvp comments.

If you have your own suggestions on how to make the potluck better, please let Whitney know.


OUTREACH DONATION REQUEST: Susette, FoF Outreach Director, is requesting donations for our nursing home visit in October -- specifically, we will be throwing them a Halloween party, so anything Halloween-related, funny hats, feather boas, prizes such as:

? Bath and Body Products
? Kleenex
? Emery Boards
? Deodorant
? Costume Jewelry
? Lotions
? Shampoo/Conditioner
? Small Stuffed Animals
? Puzzle Books
? Playing Cards
? Coin Purses
? Stationary/note cards

Also, candy that they can hand out to our "trick-or-treating" kids can be donated.

Note: click here to view the new member-approved bylaws.

Applications for Voting Membership are available and will be collected at the Gatherings. Click here to view the application.

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