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New Meetup: Absolutely exceptional, long-awaited Piano Bar Apéro!

From: Aja H.
Envoyé le : mercredi 9 juin 2010 22:10
Announcing a new Meetup for Ap?ro International!

What: Absolutely exceptional, long-awaited Piano Bar Ap?ro!

When: Monday, June 14,[masked]:00 PM

Le Relais de la Huchette
14 rue de la Huchette, 5th arrondissement M?tro Saint-Michel (line 4, RER B and C) or Cluny (line 10)

Salut international friends,

Come join us for an after work Ap?ro this Monday at 'Le Relais de la Huchette', a cozy Piano bar with excellent cocktails and a Pianist who takes requests for all kinds of odd and popular songs (also english!). The bar is located close to metro Saint Michel and has a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, no entrance fee..

Piano Bar
Le Relais de la Huchette
14, Rue de la Huchette, 75005 Paris

We have negotiated an unlimited extension of happy hour so we will have cocktails for 6 EUR, beers for 4-6 EUR and ap?ritifs for 4 EUR. What better way to spend a monday night? smile

And to all of you members wondering where our normal organizer Jacques is, since he is letting this new Danish girl arrange a meetup.. Well, while Jacques is busy travelling the world for work and peanutbutter M&Ms, I have volunteered to help him. He will still join the Meeetup.

We hope to see you all there! And of course, friends are welcome. Just RSVP so we can tell the bar approximately how many we will be.

Vi ses! (? bient?t in Danish)

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