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New Meetup: Exploring a new area with Apéro International Meetup at Le Blabla

From: Aja H.
Envoyé le : vendredi 25 juin 2010 15:03
Announcing a new Meetup for Ap?ro International!

What: Exploring a new area with Ap?ro International Meetup at Le Bla Bla

When: Wednesday, June 30,[masked]:00 PM

Le Bla Bla
66 Rue Blanche

Salut members of Ap?ro International!

First, thanks to all who joined us at the Piano Bar Meetup, it was great to meet you! I know many of you have requested more frequent Meetups, so I am determined to keep this group busysmile

So voila, I hope you will join us for our next Meetup this wednesday (30/6/2010) at 7PM. This time the venue is my local cafe/bar where they have excellent service, great cocktails and good prices. The bar is located close to Metro Blanche (line 2) or Metro Saint Georges (line 12).

I have this idea to move the Meetups around so we try the (very) different areas of Paris. This time, welcome to the 9thsmile. At Le Bla Bla they have pints for 5 EUR all night, a glass of wine from 3 EUR and cocktails from 5,50 EUR. Food is served until 11PM in case anyone is hungry.

Hope to see you all there. As always, friends and family are more than welcome. Just make sure to RSVP so we can tell the bar approximately how many we will be.

Enjoy your weekend in sunny Paris!


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