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PulsedLight's LIDAR-Lite Optical Distance Measuring Device is Closing in on the Crowdfunding Goal of $5,3000

From: David R.
Envoyé le : jeudi 27 février 2014 16:51
PulsedLight of Bend has passed the 80% mark in its goal of $53,000 for the LIDAR-Lite Optical Distance Measuring Device.

For those that are interested in learning more about the technology PulsedLight hosted a Google Plus hangout and the video is posted on Youtube Dennis Corey says" the hangout was very successful and resulted in a ton of email and twitter activity has turned into a big jump our crowdfunding total". Dragon Innovation crowdfunding site hosts the LIDAR-Lite campaign. You can find the LIDAR-Lite crowdfunding campaign at

The LIDAR-Lite uses a LED pulsed diode emitter and a PIN Photodiode detector to sense a target then employs advanced algorithms to detect the returning pulse and calculate the distance. We see many uses for this device coupled to an Arduino and other devices. Beyond the standard I2C interface, PulsedLight is planning even more user-friendly interface connections for the hobbyist market and open up the device to applications beyond the optical distance measuring use.

Currently the LIDAR-Lite is designed to provide accurate distance measuring up to 40M. Later the device will be available with a laser source which will allow accurate distance measuring capability up to over 100 meters.

'Dennis states that we see one of the most interesting new applications for the LIDAR-Lite is improving the landing capability of unmanned aerial vehicles
(UAVs). It is an amazing device that uses new technology and outperforms the existing devices many times over '.

PulsedLight has just launched their first product on the crowdfunding web site "Dragon Innovation 
http://www.dragoninno...­ . More details are available at the crowd-funding web site, Please check this out and we are sure you will see some new an innovative uses for this new sensor device.

Bob Lewis and Dennis Corey started PulsedLight in Bend two years ago, at TechSpace. The founders of PulsedLight, recognized that there was an unmet need for an optical distance measurement sensor technology that addressed applications where a very small, low-power, high performance, reduced cost optical ranging sensor was required, such as robotics and UAVs. So in 2011 they co-founded PulsedLight, LLC in Bend, Oregon to bring their vision for a new optical ranging sensor technology to market.

David Robson
Bend Arduino Group

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