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Arduino Day is a World-Wide Celebration of Arduino’s First 10 Years

From: David R.
Envoyé le : dimanche 16 mars 2014 17:18

Bend Arduino Group Members:

All Arduino-active people in Central Oregon are invited to come to our Arduino Day t Day Open House event. We are inviting anyone with Arduino project  bring down to display. In addition you will meet other local people who are working on Arduino

Saturday, March 29, 2014 • 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. • Downtown Bend Library

If you want to attend, please just come down to the library, RSVP not required.

If you want to display your favorite Arduino project, please contact David Robson, organizer [address removed] or through the Bend Arduino Group website.

Arduino Day is a world-wide celebration of Arduino’s first 10 years

Great opportunity for Arduino people to meet each other in Bend

March 10, 2014 (Bend, Oregon) — What exactly is Arduino? According to the official website “Arduino is an open- source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments.” If that still doesn’t clear things up, know that Arduino is cool, hip and is the latest craze in the Maker movement. Arduino technology was created for the average person without advanced engineering knowledge to build amazing and interesting devices of their own creation.

Learn about Arduino and watch technology in action at the Downtown Bend Library on Saturday, March 29 from 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. The open house is free and open to the public and is part of the worldwide celebration of Arduino.

Arduino Day is 24 hours full of events, both official and independent where people interested in Arduino can meet, share their experiences and learn more. David Robson, organizer of the event and members of the Bend Arduino Group will be on hand to explain Arduino’s  multi- purpose, real world, applications. We are asking everyone active in Arduino technology to come and meet others and bring their favorite project. “We’ll have Arduino projects on display, including a newly upgraded high school team's Solar Car that uses Arduino technology for the dashboard control system, an Arduino-based Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) with live first person camera and GPS navigation, a diagnostic device invented by local equine entrepreneur, Kelly Barnett that aims to save lame horses from being euthanized by revolutionizing the equine field, a project for the high school robotics team and many projects from members of the Bend Arduino Group. ”People are welcome to drop by anytime for demonstrations and information.

The Arduino Open House is a precursor to workshops that will be included in the Library’s Summer Reading schedule. Thanks to the support of local organizations and businesses including, The Tech Alliance of Central
Oregon, SmartWaiver and the Bend Arduino Group, 20 Arduino Starter Kits will be available for workshop participants to experience Arduino.

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