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Parler Français au Café avec Geneviève

Photo de Geneviève
Hosted By


Bienvenue au café !

You’re in Paris, so why not practice your French à la française? Meet us for a relaxed chat, in French, about all kinds of subjects – current affairs, French culture, travel, work and leisure – wherever the discussion leads. Fascinating conversation in a small group, full of laughs and cultural insights – all in French. The perfect immersive learning experience. There will be 3-6 people, each with their own interesting story – living in Paris, visiting for a short or long stay, exploring or working. All meeting for the same reason: to practice and improve their spoken language skills. The relaxing environment and small size of the group are the ideal environment for speaking freely and confidently – the best way to improve your French.
**** ****
Toutes les corrections seront, comme à l'accoutumée, affichées lors de notre conversation française.

Au plaisir de vous accueillir
Geneviève :)

Photo of CCC - Café Conversation Cours  avec Geneviève group
CCC - Café Conversation Cours avec Geneviève
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Every 2 weeks on Saturday

Prêt à Manger
25-27 rue Duphot, Paris 75008 · Paris