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Global Value Investing Club

6 pays14​ groupes8 330 membres

Global Value Investing Club

8 330

Qui sommes-nous ?

Do you assess long term investment opportunities by doing your fundamental research - studying financial statements, evaluating managements, learning from other smart investors? This group is to help us all build a solid portfolio of long term investments in the wake of increasing volatility in the markets.

We are happy for anyone to join this group, but it may be extremely beneficial to any of following:

  1. Working adults looking to earn at least higher than inflation returns on their investment.

  2. Retired people who are looking to not only earn higher returns on their savings but also enjoy investing in the markets.

  3. Working moms and dads who would like to earn some additional income.

  4. Finance students looking to improve their investing skills.

Photo de Ruzbeh Bacha
Ruzbeh Bacha

Administrateur de Global Value Investing Club

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