De quoi s'agit-il
Welcome, ex-pats, new settlers, experienced new founders, trailing spouses & working away professionals.
I am an online and in-person hypnocoach setting up this group to host live speaking events on a range of mind topics, and know-how that can help you to overcome paradoxes in thought patterns and behaviours.
Look out for announcements so that you can join me in person; in Aix if possible or at one of my Zoom events.
This is a group for anglophones interested in finding better solutions and giving life of quality for their life journey.
let's get together and explore how the mind can be addressed to work with all who are still travelling & how the mind works for you when you are caught off-balance, and you find your belief system is being challenged.
Look out for both online events and in-person meeting-up presentations such as:
Beyond jet lag........ better night sleep.
Thinking amongst the tigers. .... how to overcome undesirable thinking.