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Joyeuse fête, happy holidays, francophonie restaurée

From: Bernard
Sent on: Saturday, December 23, 2017, 9:40 AM

... Bonjour et bonne fête : Je, Bernard Fong, ressortissant canadien, compte revenir à Hong Kong au lendemain du réveillon 2017 et souhaiter, dès et davantage, raviver le groupe francophone, maintenant dormant. Je voudrais retenir un cordon sanitaire d’écarter une telle formation, désinvolte pour but amical, des entités officielles (le Consulat français, le Lycée français, l’Alliance française et la Chambre de commerce) afin de nous affranchir de leurs influences. Je suis tout ouvert aux conseils quant à la tenue, du temps et au lieu, de notre « concile » parce que je rate d’expérience pertinente aux « Meetups » et des bars et estaminets à Hong Kong malgré en étant participant. En aparté, une notule personnelle: J’estive au Canada et hiverne en Asie, me laissant quelques mois à gérer le groupe comme un mécène mais aurais besoin d’un volontaire à mener ces retrouvailles durant mon absence.

Good day to you from Canada. I am Bernard Fong, currently stuck in snowy Vancouver but will return to balmy Hong Kong after Boxing Day 2017. I aim to revive the French language meetup that will take place on a regular basis and to keep it distinct from the official bodies affiliated to any government and ensure that ours would be largely social and free from politics. I am open to advice especially as to the time and place for the rendezvous because I have had no experience in hosting these gatherings which I attend in Canada as well as in Hong Kong, and elsewhere, and I know next to nothing as for the evening scene. I summer in North America and winter in Asia which means I could host for a duration and that I would need someone else to take the baton in my absence. What matters is your enthusiasm and what not is your level of French because character is permanent but grasp of a language is subject to change.