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New Meetup: MothUP SEATTLE: 7th Event: Stories of Feasts and Fests - Food, Folks, and Fun

From: Catherine
Sent on: Tuesday, November 30, 2010, 11:11 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Moth Seattle Storytelling Meetup Group!

What: MothUP SEATTLE: 7th Event: Stories of Feasts and Fests - Food, Folks, and Fun

When: Thursday, December 16,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Roy Street Coffee & Tea
700 Broadway East -
Seattle, WA 98102

We will have our 7th MothUP event at

7:00 PM on December 16, 2010
Roy Street Coffee & Tea
700 Broadway East
Seattle, WA[masked]

ALSO - CHECK OUT HIGHLIGHTS from November MothUP at :

We are officially registered as a MothUP group with the Moth -

Theme: Stories of Feasts and Fests - Food, Folks, and Fun

What could be more intimate and exciting than telling a deeply personal story to a room full of strangers?

Prepare a five-not-more-than-10ish -minute story about a story in your life involving food. or a feast. a party? a festival! A good time you once had. Could be related to the holiday, maybe not... we aren't rigid with our themes, they are mostly to get your thinking about stories in your life you might like to share :)

Bring your stories - we'll put the names of all potential storytellers in a hat - and draw about 8 - 12 as we go - (yep - fate and random chance!) depending on how long the stories are.

This is true first-person stories, told live, without notes!

Bring your friends, spread the word!!!
We aren't legally allowed to use newspapers or press releases to advertise; It's gotta be word of mouth!- so hit facebook, email - tell your friends, and bring the stories!



MothUP is a grassroots effort to bring Moth style storytelling to the Seattle area. It?s for people who love stories and are nowhere near any Moth shows. If you are not familiar with the Moth or looking for inspiration for shaping your stories, be sure to listen to The Moth podcast or tune into The Moth radio hour for inspiration. http://www.themoth.or....

For the Seattle area, events will be scheduled once a month, hosted at Roy St Coffee and Tea on the 4th Thursday of each month (except Thanksgiving and Xmas - those months we'll do third Thursday).

Think of MothUP events as a quasi workshop for storytelling, where everyone is encouraged to share their stories to the preset theme.

All visual/audio content will be submitted to the Moth after each event. (Yep, there are legal release forms and everything. We can't force you to sign, and we can't upload your story if you don't, but this could be your big break!)

These videos will be showcased on the Moth?s Vimeo group site, which is shared with other MothUP groups around the country. Not only will your stories be a part of The Moth community, other opportunities could result for some of our storytellers, including: being featured on The Moth podcast (over 100,000 subscribers), The Moth Radio hour, invitations to future Moth events, and building the momentum for establishing Seattle as an official MothSlam city.

Great things start small, so spread the word.
Keep up with MothUP Seattle events here and on facebook:


and be sure to share this with your friends!


Storytelling Guidelines:

Be Forewarned:
The Moth is for TRUE STORIES. OK, there won't be a fact- checker there, and the FBI probably won't dig into your files to verify the names and dates and places, but please know, emphatically, The Moth is not for fiction stories. The tiny fictions and lies we tell ourselves ARE part of our "true stories" but that one about you dropping the Liberty Bell on the CEO of BP's car and then throwing cornflakes at his wife... not so much.

The Moth is NOT a venue for readings; it is a venue for storytelling. No notes, papers, or cheat sheets allowed. Storytellers are encouraged to stay within the five-minute time frame, sticking to the theme and having a story with something like a narrative -- one that has a conflict and a resolution.

Story tips:
No standup routines please:
The Moth LOVES funny people but requires that all funny people tell funny STORIES.

No rants:
Take up the anger issue with your therapist, or skip therapy and shape your anger into a story with some sort of resolution. (Stories = therapy!)

No essays:
Your eloquent musings are beautiful and look pretty on the page but unless you can make them gripping and set up stakes, they won?t work on stage.

Steer clear of meandering endings:
Your last line should be clear in your head.

Start in the action and set up the stakes:
Have a great first line that sets up the stakes and or grabs attention.

Not: ?So I was thinking about climbing this mountain. But then I watched a little TV and made a snack and took a nap and my mom called and vented about her psoriasis and then did a little laundry (a whites load) (I lost another sock, darn it!) and then I thought about it again and decided I?d climb the mountain the next morning.?

Yes: ?The mountain loomed before me. I had my hunting knife, some trail mix and snow boots. I had to make it to the little cabin and start a fire before sundown or freeze to death for sure.?

Practice so you can remember it without the benefits of paper. Then practice it so you can keep it down to five minutes. Tell it to your plants but know that they are a tough audience. Revise. Rework. Curse your plants for not believing in you! Revamp. Finesse. Shave off another two minutes. Try again. Viola! Forgive your plants. Indeed, they helped you see the light.

Come to the MothUP event and put your name in the hat.

HUGE thank you's to:

Atlanta MothUP for their guidance and inspiration and support: ,

the Seattle Storyteller's Guild for the nudge,

and of course, Roy Street Coffee & Tea.

(THEMES TBA - will take suggestions via email and at first event):

Jan 27th (back to 4th Thursday)
Feb 24, (4th thurs again)
Mar 24
April 28
May 26

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