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Two great shows besides ours coming up

From: Paul C.
Sent on: Saturday, April 4, 2015, 1:11 AM

Hi Everyone,

The invite for this month's show will go out later today (it's after midnight so I guess it's Saturday) but I wanted to remind you that Bill Bernat, one of our regulars, is doing a one-man show next Saturday on the 11th at 7:30 in Belltown.

A lot of this show was developed onstage at FGS and if you saw any of those original versions you know how funny it is. I'll be there and hopefully a bunch of you will too. I'm really happy that he's put it all together in one production and I don't have to wait months anymore for his next installment.

Becoming More Less Crazy - How I lost 117lb, quit drugs, stopped wanting to kill myself, and overcame social anxiety. Info and tickets at

Also, if you are looking for a place to tell your own stories, our friends at A Guide To Visitors have a couple spots open for their show on April 21st. I've pasted their email below for you. Email them at [address removed] for more info. They are great folks to work with and AGTV is an excellent place to tell stories longer than our limit of 8 minutes.


Hello, excellent anecdotalists!  We wanted to let you know that we still have one or two spots left for our April show, "The End Of The Tunnel".  If you've got a story about going through hell and coming out the other side, this is your opportunity to share your story with a warm, supportive, and - dare we say it - darn attractive audience.  Please drop us a pitch at [address removed] if you have something you're considering.

Thanks, and see everyone at the show!

--Your tunnel visioned AGTV producers

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