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Re: [furries-290] Apology for Being Overly Harsh on Kayfox

From: Frostbite (the not guilty f.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 28, 2012, 2:22 PM

This email list isn't for your drama. Using it as such and chastising people for telling you to shut up makes you a dick. Stop. Seriously.

On Aug 28,[masked]:55 PM, "Robert Johnson" <[address removed]> wrote:
This is a mailing list. People who don't want to get email can unsubscribe from the mailing list portion of it.

Robert Johnson
Email:[address removed]
Email:[address removed]
"All of the problems of the world could be solved easily, if men were only willing to think."

- Thomas J. Watson Sr.

On 8/28/2012 1:31 PM, StealthSneak1 wrote:
I think emailing this around is kind of counter productive. It spams
peoples emails.

/Connected by DROID on Verizon Wireless/

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