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Furries in the pride parade.

From: Dolph
Sent on: Thursday, April 24, 2014, 4:21 PM
Hey all, this is Dolph. How many of you were disappointed that there wasn't a furry presence in the Pride Parade last year? Well there is still time to make sure it can happen this year. As of current we need donations for the entry fee for the parade, which runs about $250, so I am calling out for anyone who would like to see a furry float happen to donate, especially those who would want to be in the parade. As of current there are over 1300 members on this meetup group, so if even just a fraction of you donated only $1 it would go a long way. We of course would also need people to help setup and decorate the float. We will need to have the money collected to send in the application form before May 31st in order to get a spot.
Donations can be made online via Paypal to [address removed], or if you would prefer to do a cash donation, feel free to text or email me at[masked] or [address removed] and we can set up something for that.
Oh, did I mention that George Takei is going to be grand marshal of the parade this year?

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