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A Place To Stay

From: user 1.
Sent on: Wednesday, April 2, 2014, 1:55 PM
Hi all,
First off my apologies for posting yet another ad for needing a room/couch/place to live. I understand this is for meetups only but this is really my last shot so I'm trying everything.
I fell on hard times looking for work and am unable to make rent where I'm at. I'm looking for a place to stay somewhere in the PNW so I can find work, and pay rent. That's my situation. I'd be grateful for anything offered.
A bit about myself: I'm 32, have been a programmer for 8 years but am ready for a change doing anything. I tend to be on the shy quiet side and keep to myself, and very respectful of others' things, but I can open up in conversation a bit. I don't drink or smoke cigarettes but I'm 420 friendly. I don't mind sharing space and can handle a lot of stress. I'm bisexual, and have no partner, no pets, no kids. I'm in shape and exercise regularly. I have SNAP so I won't be eating your food.
I'm willing to do anything it takes to have a place to stay and I'm excellent at cooking and cleaning and helping out with anything in the meantime until I can find work. Please email me I have about a week until I'm living out of my car.
Thanks for reading,

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