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New Event: Sunday Oct 7 Class for Meet up Group

From: Barbara M.
Sent on: Thursday, September 20, 2007, 12:41 PM
Announcing a new event for The North Gwinnett Polymer Clay Meetup Group!

What: Sunday Oct 7 Class for Meet up Group

When: Sunday, October 7, 3:00 PM

Event fee: USD25.00 per person

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Event Description: I am offering an official 'class' after our next meet up, either Thursday or Sunday, in case anyone wants a structured lesson. It will be a simple project showcasing transfers called embedded beads. I have attached a picture to the link. But more extravagant examples will be on hand!

The class is $25 ( a very 'special' price) and you should bring pearl and translucent Premo or Kato clay. I will provide all the other materials, including some bead caps.

It would help to attend the demo meet up regarding transfers in preparation for the class! Hope you'll join me!

class desriptions - see embedded images

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