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Fw: Tomorrow: You're hosting "Post Pentecost Dinner"

From: cloudy d.
Sent on: Sunday, May 26, 2013, 11:16 PM
Hi everyone and welcome to the new members of The New York City Queer Christians Meetup.

I was hoping that more of us would attend Post Pentecost Dinner since the main purpose is to have the opportunity to meet each other, which many joined the meetup just for that reason.  Over dinner, we shall decide on some after-dinner activity (if that is possible).

One question I have for everyone is what activities would you like the meetup to have? 

 At some point in the past, someone suggested bowling.  I am not into bowling, but if some in the meetup would like to get together to go bowling, I would be very happy for them to do so. 

 We do have the Bible Study on the second Monday of every month and the skeleton schedule meetups on the fifth Monday (when there is one) of the month.

I love to play certain games:  I am the organizer of the NYC Cribbage Meetup.  In this meetup, we also play pinochle.  I am also a member of meetups where euchre, scrabble and boggle are played.  If others would like, I would not mind having a games meetup.

I am sure that there are other kinds of activities for which those of our meetup could get together.

Feel free to answer this message with any ideas, suggestions or comments you have. 

Claude aka cloudy dawn

--- On Sun, 5/26/13, The New York City Queer Christians Meetup <[address removed]> wrote:

From: The New York City Queer Christians Meetup <[address removed]>
Subject: Tomorrow: You're hosting "Post Pentecost Dinner"
To: [address removed]
Date: Sunday, May 26, 2013, 7:25 AM

The New York City Queer Christians Meetup
Monday, May 27, 2013
1:00 PM
The Hollywood diner
574 6th ave
New York, NY 10011
I'm going
Change your RSVP
4 GLBT Christians and Friends attending, including:
"Just looking for some fun stuff to do and cool people to meet!"
"I am an atheistic Jew but I find bible discussion can be very intellectually stimulating."
" "
Lets have dinner  Memorial Day at
Hollywood Diner
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